About the reproduction accuracy, there might be some misunderstanding. When we are talking the reproduction is accurate, we are not saying the reproduction is 100% identical with what’s on screen, especially under the HDR mode. As it works like this, though the colors on screen can all be captured by NEO sync box, the light strips are just unable to reproduce exactly the same colors due to the emitting principle of light strips is fundamentally different from that of the light-emitting components of the monitors or screens. To put it simple, the light strips can reproduce the colors mostly accurate but never 100% identical with what’s on screen, as the monitors can display far richer and finer colors due to its myriads of mini led beads densely allocated within the monitors, yet the light strips can only reproduce a single or a limited mixed color due to highly limited led beads within the light strips. This is can be easier to understand, if you compare the light strips to the color pens, and the on-screen colors as a colorful garden, even the most talented painter can’t reproduce the exactly same colorful garden with the limited amount of color pens. So to conclude, it’s can be almost the same at first look but not identical when subject to scrutiny.